
Equip Bible Study - Exodus - God rescues his people

A Conversations study of the book of Exodus



Exodus – God Rescues his People

The Book of Exodus tells how God rescues his people Israel from slavery in Egypt. At the end of the book of Genesis Jacob’s family had come to Egypt at the invitation of Joseph, one of Jacob’s sons, who had risen to prominence in Egypt. At the beginning of Exodus we discover that the descendants of the family of Jacob have become a nation. But having arrived in Egypt as free people, the opening chapter of Exodus describes how the Israelites are enslaved by the Egyptians.

There is much in this story that resonates with current news headlines. In Exodus we find people enslaved, we read of genocide and ethnic cleansing, and towards the end of our studies Israel is a multitude of people fleeing oppression and making a dangerous journey through the sea on their way to a new, promised land. In Exodus we read more about the God introduced in the book of Genesis, the God who creates and sustains life, and who makes humanity in his own image. We learn how this God is concerned about the suffering of his people, and how he comes to rescue them from their oppressive circumstances, circumstances in which the blessing of life is being threatened. As we read and study this incredible story may we come to know more of this amazing God and the life and salvation he offers.

This is a Conversations Bible study resource.