Trauma healing group

Looking for a resource to help people find healing and reconnect with God through the Bible?

No matter who we are, none of us are immune from experiencing loss and pain, grief or even trauma. We believe that God is close to those whose hearts have been broken and that when we suffer, the Bible can help!

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Trauma is a deep wound of the heart and mind that takes a long time to heal. It hurts every part of us – how we relate to others, how our body feels, what we think about, as well as our ability to trust God. In short, it can leave us feeling separated from God and others.

Healing the Wounds of Trauma

Trauma Healing is a global resource, developed to help people heal from the pain of trauma, bringing together the wisdom of the Bible, with proven mental health practices in an accessible way.

Bible-based trauma healing is a unique programme designed to help Christians and the local church provide a compassionate response to hurting and traumatised people in their communities, and we are pleased to offer this training so you can run this programme in your community or church.

It is estimated that at least 50% of people will experience trauma at some point in their life. Bringing together the wisdom of the Bible with proven mental health practices in a way that’s accessible to all, Bible-based trauma healing can be used as a pastoral resource to enable people who are hurting to begin to find hope and healing, through engaging with Scripture and reconnecting with God.

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“…such a valuable tool for the local church

to come alongside the hurting and the wounded.”

Course Participant

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Since 2017, we have been working with the Trauma Healing Institute to bring the ‘Healing the Wounds of Trauma’ programme to churches in Scotland today.

300 people have now attended training to facilitate healing groups, at least 80 groups have been run, with more than 700 people taking part in these groups.

Apply for Trauma Healing Training

Bible-based Trauma Healing is a unique programme which can help the local church provide a compassionate response to traumatised people in their communities.

Emotional trauma impacts more than one in seven people worldwide.

In the aftermath of human tragedy - war, famine, abuse and more recently pandemic - people lose hope. They feel trapped in a cycle of reliving their pain and struggle to believe that God can heal or release them from it.

But Scripture contains a message of hope that can bring healing.

If you are considering the ministry of Bible-based trauma healing to your church, fill out the form below, letting us know which course you would like to attend.

Let us know which event you are interested in.
Trauma healing training

“I think every church in Scotland should have a Trauma Healing group and use this material”

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“On the night after the second class about bringing pain to the cross, I had the best night’s sleep that I had had for several months.”

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“For myself knowing and discussing the fact that when Christ went to The Cross He took not only all our sin but also all our pain when he suffered there was so reassuring.”