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The Light Inside:

The life of Jesus according to Luke

What if there is hope?

“…our God is tender and caring. His kindness will bring the rising sun to us from heaven. It will shine on those living in darkness and in the shadow of death. It will guide our feet on the path of peace.” Luke 1:78-79

What if, amidst the beauty and brokenness of life God has something for us? What if God could put a light inside us, a source of joy and peace that never runs out? What if this is true?

Luke went searching for the truth 2,000 years ago. His carefully researched account tells how he found that hope, joy and light in a person: Jesus of Nazareth. As you read, weigh up Luke’s evidence for yourself. Discover what he found out about Jesus.

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Simple layout, simple translation

Uses the easy-to-read NIV translation of the Bible.

This Luke’s Gospel magazine is designed to prompt questions for anyone who delves into its pages. Contemporary images, easy to read, it’s ideal for believers and new-comers alike.

Thoughtful, contemporary images

Throughout The Light Inside you will find modern-day images that will prompt organic questions and conversations for readers of all ages. We have carefully selected photographs and pull-out quotes that link to the narrative without distracting you from the text. This style allows space for the reader to pause and consider the contemporary relevance of this historical text.