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  • / Must Know Bible Stories - The Ten Commandments
Must Know Bible Stories ten commandments

Must Know Bible Stories

The Ten Commandments

Explore the story of the Ten Commandments as you play and learn together

Use these resources:

  • As part of a context on war or conflicts. These resources link exceptionally well to these contexts encouraging children to expand their thinking from their own small world to the whole world. Your pupils will enjoy considering some big questions. If everyone had followed the Ten Commandments would historical conflicts have happened? What commandments would you make to prevent another war? Why did God not stop the war? Is all killing wrong?
  • When you’re exploring ‘rules’ or ‘rights and responsibilities’. Why do we have rules? What should the consequence be for not following the rules?
  • To start thinking on ‘what is the best way to live’? The Biblical account of God giving his people the Ten Commandments showcases the Christian belief that God requires his people to live in a particular way confident that it is the best way to live. How do we as individuals decide what our values will be or what ‘rules’ we will live by? How do we decide what is the ‘best way to live’?
  • Outdoors! The story is set outdoors, Moses climbs a mountain and God writes on tablets of stone. Can we recreate the story outside? Our resources, particularly for first level, provide many ideas for outdoor learning.

In your Lesson Plan pack:

Microsoft Teams image 11

PowerPoint Slides

Bring the stories to life with our beautifully rendered images from the Bible World Books series of Bible stories.

Lesson plan

Lesson Plans

Let us help you navigate the story with our easy-to-use lesson plans. Alongside instructions, our lesson plans include brief background reading to help you with any questions your class may have as you explore the story together.

Story Trails

Story Trails

Story Trails help you explore the story outdoors. They might invite the children to join in with the story as it’s told or test the children’s knowledge of the story with quizzes, puzzles, codes and challenges. Each Story Trail is quick and easy to set up and includes ideas to extend the learning after the trail is completed.